Magnus Glans filming two employees working at a computer.
Fredrik Andersson

How to plan for more impactful videos

When it comes to content, video is increasingly important. A huge number of marketers: 78%, say video content gives them a good ROI. But before you jump straight into filming, be sure to decide which problem you want to solve.

Ulrika Nybäck
2024-07-22 12:31

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways for you to get someone’s attention and engage our audience. Suddenly you are not only describing (with words) what your brand stands for, your brand comes alive when you let employees, customers and business partners talk out your products, services and what you believe in.

Keeping someone engaged is the best and quickest way to gain trust from your viewer. And it’s the only way to convert him och her into happy, long-term clients/customers/subscribers.

When customers ask us to help them with a content strategy, we often find that they have produced content (for a long time) without first deciding what results they are looking for. That’s why we wanted to summarize and share some of the foundational work we do before we start producing content.

Advice One

Decide what results you want your videos to achieve, or which problem it will help you solve. Your challenge might be something like: “We have one of the best services on the market, but nobody knows. What is the best way to gain and keep new customers attention?”By defining your problem or challenge, it’s so much easier to create content that is part of the solution. In fact, it’s the only way. We also use this starting point to measure if your new videos is getting the job done.

Advice Two

Meet the challenge with a video that will wake, shake, amuse, and/or educate your customers or subscribers. If your challenge is “We need to attract top talent within a certain filed of expertise”, it’s a good idea to show glimpses from an interesting week where a photographer follows one of your own employees. One at a time that is, we suggest at least five “A Day of an Employee Videos”, that you share during six months or longer.

Advice Three

Plan Video Content that lasts for 6 to 12 months. A common mistake is to think: “Great, were done! One video will lift our results and change the world”. It takes time to change people’s opinion about your product, services, culture, and brand. Be wise, creative – and patient. The results will come. Educate and amuse your audience with several videos on similar topic, with a story line, light, colors, and graphics that our audience will recognize and learn to love.

Advice Four

Create a winning team that knows your audience and the customers. Your team also knows how to create Content that is Consistent and Recognizable – it has the same tone of voice (written words) and the same Image Tonality – so that your messages and our brand become Clearer, and more attractive for every weeks that passes. If you’re thinking of cutting costs by whipping up a quick video on your smartphone with your employees as cast and crew, keep in mind that when it comes to brand perception, a poor-quality video is worse than no video at all.

Advice Five

Invite your audience to Cooperate. Great! Now you have interesting, educating, and amusing videos where your customers go to be inspired and amused. Reflect on the results again. What Call to Action will help you get the results you’re looking for? And even more importantly: Invite your customers to help you solve a specific problem. One of our strongest drives (as humans) is the reward we feel when helping someone. But remember, ask elegantly. Maby with humour like Bulow in their entertaining Campaign Share it with a hater.

Facts on why to create video content

  • YouTube has 1.7 billion unique users every month. We aren't just watching videos — we're actively searching for them.
  • 86% of businesses are already using video in their marketing strategy and 92% of marketers agree that video plays a pivotal role in content creation.
  • Video content is useful when it comes to helping potential buyers learn about a product. In fact, according to WYZOwl, 94 per cent of marketers say using video content has helped increase user understanding of a product or service.
  • The average person watches more than an hour and a half of online video content per day. So it makes sense to position yourself in front of these people.
  • The ROI, return on investment, you get from your video will depend on several parameters (is your idea and the quality good enough?). Nonetheless, 83 percent of WYZOwl survey respondents say video gives them a good return on investment.
Mer läsning
Fredrik Andersson, Wonderwork.

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Fredrik Andersson, Wonderwork